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Last modified: Fri Jun 2 23:12:02 2006.
NAME: adjust_map PURPOSE: adjust rainfall in the first 365 days of a noah weather input file to match a given mean annual precipitation (MAP) CATEGORY: noah model inputs CALLING SEQUENCE: adjust_map, inputfile, MAP, outputfile, nsteps INPUTS: inputfile = name of the noah weather file to use as input MAP = Mean Annual Precip to match outputfile= name of the new noah weather file to write OPTIONAL INPUTS: nsteps = number of time steps per day (if not supplied findnsteps will attempt to find this value, and will default to 480) KEYWORD PARAMETERS:OUTPUTS: outputfile OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: COMMON BLOCKS: SIDE EFFECTS: RESTRICTIONS: PROCEDURE: Read data from input file match the MAP of the first 365 days to the supplied MAP value determine nsteps from the day column in the input file if there are enough days find the ratio between real MAP and rainfall in the first 365 days adjust the first 365 days of rainfall to match MAP read the header from the input file write the output file EXAMPLE: adjust_map, 'IHOPUDS1', 654, 'adjustedIHOPUDS1' MODIFICATION HISTORY: edg - 2/16/2006 - original
NAME: clmPlotAllofSOil PURPOSE: Make postscript plots of relavent clm output variables with one line for each soil listed in the current directory. Finds soils with the name out_texture_number. Can also plot a subset of the total soils with the skipn keyword Can make plots of just mid-day values with the noonOnly keyword Can plot to screen with the nops keyword CATEGORY: plot clm output CALLING SEQUENCE: plotAllofSoil, texture, T=T, TS=TS, SMC=SMC, LHE=LHE, H=H, G=G, outputfile=outputfile INPUTS: texture = a string identifying the filenames to look up as "out_texture_*" OPTIONAL INPUTS: all keywords are optional KEYWORD PARAMETERS: T = plot top soil temperature TS= plot skin temperature SMC=plot Soil Moisture Content (in top layer) LHE=plot Latent Heat Flux H = plot Sensible Heat Flux G = plot Ground Heat Flux By default all are plotted. If any keywords are set, only those keywords are plotted OUTPUTS: Postscript file named either outputfile, or if outputfile is not specified, OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: COMMON BLOCKS: SIDE EFFECTS: RESTRICTIONS: PROCEDURE: EXAMPLE: MODIFICATION HISTORY: 08/03/2004 - edg - original 09/??/2004 - edg - added noonsonly option, just plot LE, added skipn option added nops option 10/15/2004 - edg - added rainfall plotting 10/23/2004 - edg - added nocolor and nopattern keywords added title and position and nox keywords cleaned up rainfall axis and drawing 12/1/2004 - edg - modified plotAllofSoil to become clmPlotAllofSoil to plot clm output
NAME: clmSoilsWTexture PURPOSE: Runs clm for all soils of a given texture specified in a pair of file. Looks through the database of SHPs generated by MOSCEM ( and, and uses the general.txt file from UNSODA to pick out texture CATEGORY: Batch running clm CALLING SEQUENCE: clmSoilsWTexture, texture, datafilename, texturefilename INPUTS: texture = a string identifying the texture you wish to run clm for e.g. "sandy loam" "clay" "silt clay loam" see the routine textIndex for a complete list of textures datafilename = filename of outputfile texturefilename = filename of "general.txt" file from UNSODA database OPTIONAL INPUTS:KEYWORD PARAMETERS: OUTPUTS: clm output files named "" where : texture = the inputtexture name (without spaces) soilNumber= the soil index number in the UNSODA database OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: COMMON BLOCKS: SIDE EFFECTS: files tmpSevilleta_srf.txt and in ../../inputdata/sev/srfdata/ are overwritten RESTRICTIONS: Current directory must be clm/bld/offline/ PROCEDURE: Get an array of [soilNumber,Texture] from the texture file. Read through the datafile, for each soil If it matches the texture requested, and SHPs are reasonable Write tmpSevilleta_srf.txt file then ncgen file Run clm Rename output file EXAMPLE: MODIFICATION HISTORY: 1/25/2005 edg - Original modified from
NAME: clm_plot_flux_texture PURPOSE: Plot clm model flux (and state) output for all runs from a texture class. CATEGORY: plot clm output WRR 2006 CALLING SEQUENCE: clm_plot_flux_texture, texture, var=var, outputfile=outputfile, skipn=skipn, keyday=keyday, nops=nops, nocolor=nocolor, startday=startday, endday=endday, _extra=extra INPUTS: texture = (string) name identifying the files to lookup as "out__*" OPTIONAL INPUTS: KEYWORD PARAMETERS: var = (integer [7]) column in model output to plot, can be an array of columns outputfile = (string []) name of the postscript file to create (if nops is not set) skipn = (integer or flag [0]) allows you to only plot every n files NOTE if skipn=1 it is assumed to be a flag and min(50,nfiles) will be loaded keyday = (integer [624]) day number from start of model output to look at plots 10 days after and 2 days before, for now assumes rain occurs the day before nops = (flag [0]) if set plot to the screen rather than a postscript file. nocolor = (flag [0]) if set plot in grey scale rather than color startday = (integer [keyday-2.5]) day number from start of model output to start output plot at endday = (integer [keyday+10.5]) day number from start of model output to stop output plot at _extra = extra keywords to be passed to the plot command OUTPUTS : OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: if nops flag is not set a postscript file is created named or if outputfile is not specified named COMMON BLOCKS: SIDE EFFECTS: RESTRICTIONS: PROCEDURE: - Read desired columns from all/skipn data files - Determine time step of model data assuming the first column is the time - Plot all model outputs from 2 days before keyday to 10 days after EXAMPLE: clm_plot_flux_texture, "sandy loam", outputfile="", /nocolor, skipn=10, xtitle="Day", var=7, ytitle="Latent Heat Flux (W/m!E2!N)" MODIFICATION HISTORY: 08/23/2005 - edg - original (based heavily on
NAME: colortable PURPOSE: returns an array with values that can be passed to plot via the color keyword. CATEGORY: plotting CALLING SEQUENCE: ct=colortable() INPUTS:OPTIONAL INPUTS: KEYWORD PARAMETERS: OUTPUTS: array of (currently 219) color values OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: COMMON BLOCKS: SIDE EFFECTS: RESTRICTIONS: PROCEDURE: create separate red, green, and blue component arrays multiply red by 1, green by 256, and blue by 256^3 add red to green to blue and return the resulting array black 0 red 1 green 2 blue 3 l. red 4 l. green 5 l. blue 6 l. grey 7 8-> 70 = smooth red colors 71->133 = smooth green colors 134->196 = smooth blue colors 197->207 = 11 colors selected from the 16 LEVEL color table 197, 198, 199, 200, 201, 202, 203, 204, 205, 206, 207,,, cyan, blue, purp., mag., dk.mag, red, grey, white 208-217 = black->white EXAMPLE: ct=colortable() for i=0, 218 do plot, indgen(10), color=ct[i] MODIFICATION HISTORY: Original - edg - 11/01/2005 - color table is from
NAME: compTsTxt PURPOSE: Compare Ts derived SHPs with texture class average derived SHPs CATEGORY: noah output manipulation CALLING SEQUENCE: compTsTxt, outPattern=outPattern, SHPdata=SHPdata INPUTS: OPTIONAL INPUTS: outPattern - set this keyword to a string that defines the pattern file_search should use to find the noah output files. default="out_*" SHPdata - set this keyword to the file naming the SHP data file default=file_search("*.data")[0] KEYWORD PARAMETERS: OUTPUTS: outfile - text file with a list of SHP values and Ts errors from a randomly choosen "true" Ts. default name="outputfile" answerfile - text file containing the "true" SHP values used default name="answerfile" OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: theAnswer - set this keyword to print the inverted SHPs, texture class SHPs, and "true" SHPs COMMON BLOCKS:SIDE EFFECTS: RESTRICTIONS: PROCEDURE: Read in all noah output files randomly select one as "truth" add 1K RMS error to the "truth" Ts series measure the distance between all SHP runs and "true" Ts find the minimum distance, these are our inverted SHPs OPTIONALLY print, inverted SHPs, textureclass SHPs, "true" SHPs EXAMPLE: compTsTxt, outPattern="out_sandyloam_*", SHPdata="", outfile="TsErrors", answerFile="secret" MODIFICATION HISTORY: 5/20/2005 - EDG - original
NAME: convertRosetta2HTHK PURPOSE: convert the rosetta database formate into the file format expected by noahSoilsWTexture. One texture file containing a soil index, three tildas, then the soil texture name. And one data file containing the output from the program column formatted [index, err,r,err,r, n,a,Ks,Ts,Tr] CATEGORY: Text File Processing / program Compatibility CALLING SEQUENCE: convertRosetta2HTHK,,
NAME: dailyrainfall PURPOSE: Takes a time series of rainfall (or any variable really) and computes the total rainfall for each day. CATEGORY: general CALLING SEQUENCE: dailyrainfall, rain, dt, offset=offset, binsize=binsize, average=average INPUTS: rain, dt rain : variable to be summed dt : time step between rows in minutes (e.g. 3 for 480 steps per day, 60 for 24 steps per day) OPTIONAL INPUTS:KEYWORD PARAMETERS: binsize, average, offset binsize : alternative to dt, specifies how many steps per day (or whatever), makes the routine more general essentially this is turning into a running average routine average : return the average in each bin rather than the total offset : if set, returns a subset of the daily totals started at offset OUTPUTS: returns array of totals (or averages) within each bin (day) OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: COMMON BLOCKS: SIDE EFFECTS: RESTRICTIONS: PROCEDURE: EXAMPLE: dailyprecip=dailyrainfall(precip, 30) MODIFICATION HISTORY: 2/20/2006 - edg - separated from noah_pickbest_multistorm
NAME: e00_Poly2Tiff PURPOSE: Convert Arc Export file format (.e00) files into geoTiff files CATEGORY: File Import/Export CALLING SEQUENCE: e00_Poly2Tiff, e00_Filename, geotiff_Filename, resolution INPUTS: e00_Filename : Name of the e00 file to be imported geotiff_Filename : Name of the output geotiff file OPTIONAL INPUTS: resolution : spatial resolution of the geotiff in meters DEFAULT : 1000m KEYWORD PARAMETERS: NONE OUTPUTS: NONE (geotiff file) OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: NONE COMMON BLOCKS: NONE SIDE EFFECTS: NONE (that I know of ;) RESTRICTIONS: NONE (that I know of ;) PROCEDURE: EXAMPLE: e00_Poly2Tiff, "soilsMap.e00", "soilsMap.tif", 100 MODIFICATION HISTORY: 02/18/2005 - edg - original (c) 2005 Ethan Gutmann
NAME: extract_timeseries PURPOSE: retrieve a time series of data for a single location from a set of geotiff files. Ideally geotiff files should be output from If not, file names must be as they would be from CATEGORY: Processing MODIS data CALLING SEQUENCE: extract_timeseries, lat, lon, dir=dir, outfile=outfile, raw=raw INPUTS: lat - latitude (in either UTM or decimal degrees) lon - longitude (in either UTM or decimal degrees) (both lat and lon must be in the same format (UTM or DD) default location is the sevilleta Shrub site OPTIONAL INPUTS: (lat and lon default to sevilleta shrub site) KEYWORD PARAMETERS: dir - directory to search for geotiff files (default = '.') outfile - name of output file to be created (default = 'timeseries.txt') raw - if this keyword is set (non-zero) MOD11A1v004 gains will not be appliet to the output data (if you are not using MOD11A1v004 data you should probably set this flag) OUTPUTS: outfile - a column formated output file that will contain a header describing each column, followed by data with one row for each original input geotiff file OPTIONAL OUTPUTS:COMMON BLOCKS: SIDE EFFECTS: RESTRICTIONS: all geotiff files must cover the same area, and file names must follow a specific file format REQUIRED IDL FILES : PROCEDURE: EXAMPLE: extract_timeseries, 33.3434, -105.2343, dir='/data/modis/raw/', outfile='BSS_MODIS_LST.txt', /raw MODIFICATION HISTORY: 5-12-2006 - edg - original
NAME: make_wrr_map PURPOSE: draw a map of the field area for wrr paper number 1 CATEGORY: mapping, figures, general CALLING SEQUENCE: make_wrr_map, sitefile, psfile INPUTS: sitefile=text file containing lat,lon pairs for sites psfile = postscript fileOPTIONAL INPUTS: KEYWORD PARAMETERS: OUTPUTS: postscript file OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: COMMON BLOCKS: SIDE EFFECTS: RESTRICTIONS: PROCEDURE: read site locations from a file, plot state boundaries and sites EXAMPLE: make_wrr_map, "sites.txt", "" MODIFICATION HISTORY: original - edg - 1/16/2006
NAME: noahSoilsWTexture PURPOSE: Runs noah for all soils of a given texture specified in a pair of file. Looks through the database of SHPs generated by MOSCEM ( and, and uses the general.txt file from UNSODA to pick out texture CATEGORY: Batch running noah CALLING SEQUENCE: noahSoilsWTexture, texture, datafilename, texturefilename INPUTS: texture = a string identifying the texture you wish to run noah for e.g. "sandy loam" "clay" "silt clay loam" see the routine textIndex for a complete list of textures datafilename = filename of outputfile texturefilename = filename of "general.txt" file from UNSODA database OPTIONAL INPUTS:KEYWORD PARAMETERS: OUTPUTS: noah output files named "out_texture_soilNumber" where : texture = the inputtexture name (without spaces) soilNumber= the soil index number in the UNSODA database OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: COMMON BLOCKS: SIDE EFFECTS: file SOILPARM.TBL in current directory is overwritten RESTRICTIONS: Current directory must contain Noah control files IHOPstyp must be set to 1 PROCEDURE: Get an array of [soilNumber,Texture] from the texture file. Read through the datafile, for each soil If it matches the texture requested, and SHPs are reasonable Write SOILPARM.TBL file Run noah Rename output file EXAMPLE: MODIFICATION HISTORY: 8/2/2004 edg - Original
NAME: noah_pickbest_multistorm PURPOSE: Find optimal SHPs from multiple storms in a time series. Search through a time series of rain and measured and modelled ET. For each rain storm find the model run ET that best fits the measured ET. CATEGORY: noah model post processing CALLING SEQUENCE: noah_pickbest_multistorm, correlate=correlate, sday=sday, eday=eday, ndays=ndays, measure_column=measure_column, model_column=model_column, meas_model_offset=meas_model_offset, outputfile=outputfile, rain_column=rain_column INPUTS: none required OPTIONAL INPUTS: keywords KEYWORD PARAMETERS: correlate = if set, uses correlation rather than RMS error between ET time series to select optimal SHPsday, eday= if set, starting and ending days in MODEL time series to look at ndays = if set number of days after a storm to use to define SHPs measure_column= the column in the measured data to use for fitting SHPs model_column = the column in the modelled data to use for fitting SHPs rain_column = the column in the measured data to read rainfall data from. meas_model_offset = offset (in days) between measured and modelled data, model starts after measured = positive offset outputfile = output filename to write best SHP filename too. OUTPUTS: writes a file with one line for each storm it fit SHPs to. Each line contains the name of the model output file it thought was the best fit. OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: COMMON BLOCKS: SIDE EFFECTS: RESTRICTIONS: PROCEDURE: Load model output files returning only the column of interest for each model run Load measured flux and rain data from measurement file Calculate mid-day values from model and measured data Calculate daily rainfall amounts Search throuhh daily rainfall for a day with >=6mm of rain use the proceeding 6 days (or until another storm 2mm or larger) to fit SHPs if only 2 days are available before another rainstorm don't use write the best SHP model output file name to the output file EXAMPLE: noah_pickbest_multistorm MODIFICATION HISTORY: 1/27/2006 - edg - original
NAME: noah_plot_flux_texture PURPOSE: Plot noah model flux (and state) output for all runs from a texture class. CATEGORY: plot noah output WRR 2006 CALLING SEQUENCE: noah_plot_flux_texture, texture, var=var, outputfile=outputfile, skipn=skipn, keyday=keyday, nops=nops, nocolor=nocolor, startday=startday, endday=endday, _extra=extra INPUTS: texture = (string) name identifying the files to lookup as "out__*" OPTIONAL INPUTS: KEYWORD PARAMETERS: var = (integer [7]) column in model output to plot, can be an array of columns outputfile = (string []) name of the postscript file to create (if nops is not set) skipn = (integer or flag [0]) allows you to only plot every n files NOTE if skipn=1 it is assumed to be a flag and min(50,nfiles) will be loaded keyday = (integer [624]) day number from start of model output to look at plots 10 days after and 2 days before, for now assumes rain occurs the day before nops = (flag [0]) if set plot to the screen rather than a postscript file. nocolor = (flag [0]) if set plot in grey scale rather than color startday = (integer [keyday-2.5]) day number from start of model output to start output plot at endday = (integer [keyday+10.5]) day number from start of model output to stop output plot at _extra = extra keywords to be passed to the plot command OUTPUTS : OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: if nops flag is not set a postscript file is created named or if outputfile is not specified named COMMON BLOCKS: SIDE EFFECTS: RESTRICTIONS: PROCEDURE: - Read desired columns from all/skipn data files - Determine time step of model data assuming the first column is the time - Plot all model outputs from 2 days before keyday to 10 days after EXAMPLE: noah_plot_flux_texture, "sandy loam", outputfile="", /nocolor, skipn=10, xtitle="Day", var=7, ytitle="Latent Heat Flux (W/m!E2!N)" MODIFICATION HISTORY: 08/23/2005 - edg - original (based heavily on
NAME: plotAllofSOil PURPOSE: Make postscript plots of relavent noah output variables with one line for each soil listed in the current directory. Finds soils with the name out_texture_number. Can also plot a subset of the total soils with the skipn keyword Can make plots of just mid-day values with the noonOnly keyword Can plot to screen with the nops keyword CATEGORY: plot noah output CALLING SEQUENCE: plotAllofSoil, texture, T=T, TS=TS, SMC=SMC, LHE=LHE, H=H, G=G, outputfile=outputfile INPUTS: texture = a string identifying the filenames to look up as "out_texture_*" OPTIONAL INPUTS: all keywords are optional KEYWORD PARAMETERS: T = plot top soil temperature TS= plot skin temperature SMC=plot Soil Moisture Content (in top layer) LHE=plot Latent Heat Flux H = plot Sensible Heat Flux G = plot Ground Heat Flux By default all are plotted. If any keywords are set, only those keywords are plotted OUTPUTS: Postscript file named either outputfile, or if outputfile is not specified, OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: COMMON BLOCKS: SIDE EFFECTS: RESTRICTIONS: PROCEDURE: EXAMPLE: MODIFICATION HISTORY: 08/03/2004 - edg - original 09/??/2004 - edg - added noonsonly option, just plot LE, added skipn option added nops option 10/15/2004 - edg - added rainfall plotting 10/23/2004 - edg - added nocolor and nopattern keywords added title and position and nox keywords cleaned up rainfall axis and drawing
NAME: pretty_globe PURPOSE: make a pretty postscript file of the globe for use in publications as a map background CATEGORY: mapping, figures CALLING SEQUENCE: pretty_globe, filename INPUTS: filename = name of postscript fileOPTIONAL INPUTS: _extra=e passes extras to map_set KEYWORD PARAMETERS: OUTPUTS: postsctipt file OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: COMMON BLOCKS: SIDE EFFECTS: RESTRICTIONS: PROCEDURE: set up the map projection (as seen from a satellite 100 earth radii above the earth) with filled continents draw country and US State borders EXAMPLE: pretty_globe, "" MODIFICATION HISTORY: Original - edg - 1/16/05 for 1st wrr paper
NAME: resample_ts PURPOSE: resample a series of MODIS files into UTM CATEGORY: MODIS processing CALLING SEQUENCE: resample_ts, inputdir=inputdir, outputdir=outputdir, masterPRM=masterPRM, fieldfile=fieldfile, resample=resample, workingDIR=workingDIR INPUTS: OPTIONAL INPUTS: KEYWORD PARAMETERS: inputdir : directory containing MODIS files default = /Volumes/hydra/MODIS/2002_60-273_ts_h09v05_Terra/ outputdir : directory to place output files default = /Volumes/hydra/MODIS/2002_60-273_ts_reproj_Terra/ masterPRM : sample resample parameter file default = "MASTER.prm" fieldfile : text file, each line is a MODIS fieldname default = all fields in MODIS_LST (MOD11A1) resample : resample program to run (full path to file if not in current directory) default = '~/heg/bin/resample' workingDIR:directory to create temporary .prm file in default = './' OUTPUTS: subset UTM geotiff files, one for each fieldname and MODIS file OPTIONAL OUTPUTS:COMMON BLOCKS: SIDE EFFECTS: RESTRICTIONS: YOU MUST BE ABLE TO RUN RESAMPLE e.g. you must have MRDATA, MRBIN, etc. environment variables set. PROCEDURE: find all input files, loop over input files, loop over fieldnames for each fieldname-filename, write a resample .prm file run resample EXAMPLE: resample_ts, inputdir='/data/modis/raw/', outputdir='/data/modis/geotiffs/', masterPRM='master.prm', fieldfile='fields.txt', workingDIR='/data/modis/' MODIFICATION HISTORY: 5-11-06 - edg - original 5-23-06 - edg - added workingDIR keyword modified to work with spaces in field names
NAME: resizeImg PURPOSE: resize a geotiff and compute the standard deviation of the values used to generate each new pixel. Output two image files. CATEGORY: Image manipulation, geotiff CALLING SEQUENCE: resizeImg, "inputfile", "outputfileBASENAME", out_numberofSamples, out_numberofLines INPUTS: input geotiff filename, output filename (without the .tif) OPTIONAL INPUTS: badVal KEYWORD PARAMETERS: badVal=badVal set this equal to the value in the input file you want to ignore. Default is -3000 (it will also ignore badVal-1) OUTPUTS: outfilefileBASENAME+"_data.tif" outfilefileBASENAME+"_stdev.tif" OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: COMMON BLOCKS:SIDE EFFECTS: RESTRICTIONS: PROCEDURE: EXAMPLE: resizeImg, "input.tif", "output", 1000,2000, badVal=-9999 MODIFICATION HISTORY: 2003/2004?-edg - original 11/3/04 - edg - serious rewrite to read one line of a geotiff file at a time and add the badVal keyword
NAME: unsat_soils_w_texture PURPOSE: Runs unsat for all soils of a given texture specified in a pair of file. Looks through the database of SHPs generated by MOSCEM ( and, and uses the general.txt file from UNSODA to pick out texture CATEGORY: Batch running unsat CALLING SEQUENCE: unsat_soils_w_texture, texture, datafilename, texturefilename INPUTS: texture = a string identifying the texture you wish to run noah for e.g. "sandy loam" "clay" "silt clay loam" see the routine textIndex for a complete list of textures datafilename = filename of outputfiletexturefilename = filename of "general.txt" file from UNSODA database OPTIONAL INPUTS: KEYWORD PARAMETERS: OUTPUTS: noah output files named "out_texture_soilNumber" where : texture = the inputtexture name (without spaces) soilNumber= the soil index number in the UNSODA database OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: COMMON BLOCKS: SIDE EFFECTS: file SOILPARM.TBL in current directory is overwritten RESTRICTIONS: Current Directory must have one *.inp file that is otherwise setup properly for the runs of interest PROCEDURE: Get an array of [soilNumber,Texture] from the texture file. Read through the datafile, for each soil If it matches the texture requested, and SHPs are reasonable modify *.inp file Run unsat Rename output file EXAMPLE: unsat_soils_w_texture, "sandyloam", "vgHTHK", "newGeneral.txt" MODIFICATION HISTORY: 12/20/2005 edg - Original based on noahSoilswTexture written specifically to analyze Ks distributions and infiltration distributions resulting from that given a 0 head top boundary